Saturday, September 12, 2020

Missouri State

Welcome back to another season of Sooner Steamroller. I'm frankly shocked that this is even happening, but here we are and the season appears to be going on. I know that you faithful reader(s) have come to expect subpar writing from me. I combine terrible writing with an almost complete lack of preparation. However, I want to say that I've lowered the bar even more this season as I've spent the last few weeks expecting a cancellation announcement and, in turn, have read literally nothing about the team. So here comes some garbage.


The combination of player attrition and my lack of attention have left me with an extremely limited list of players that I can even name on offense. But, even if I'd known every player on the offense, I still would've gone with Spencer Rattler. He's been given the access codes and he's now manning the console for the season. I, for one, am very much looking forward to hearing about his performance (as I'm not ponying up for PPV vs Missouri State...this is another tirade I'll spare you). I think he throws for 300+, rushes for 75+ and accounts for 4 TDs.


Full disclosure, off the top of my head I couldn't name one active defensive player this morning before I talked to Mitch. As a result, I fully agreed with him and went with Jaden Davis. I see him making tackles and generally seeing the field today.


As a former attendee of Missouri State, located in my hometown, I can unequivocally say they've been abysmally awful my entire life. They did hire Bobby Petrino in an unabashed grab at relevance. That said, this will be a professional assbeat. The last spread I saw was 44.5, I think OU covers and wins 63-10. It's strange to be back.

Boomer to the Motherfuckin Sooner.

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