Saturday, November 13, 2010


In light of last weeks game, I'm pretty discouraged in this one. Mitch wrote an excellent piece giving a good look into some questions that have to be asked by Sooner nation. The two of us have discussed at length the struggles of OU in big games over the last several years. Hell, this wasn't even a "big" game last week in the sense that no one really expected A&M to be terribly competitive, let alone kick our ass.

It used to really piss me off that the national media gave us no respect when being discussed among the national title contenders. I hated that we were always dubbed as lucky, or a tier below the big SEC teams. Now, I just tend to nod my head and agree. Why would I continue to let it bother me? We haven't really won many (any?) games the last five years against teams that were equally talented or better than us. When talent is taken out of the equation, that leaves coaching to blame.

For a time in the last few years it looked as if we were unmotivated, that our players looked as if they felt that just by showing up to the stadium and playing they would win the game. Someone either gave them that idea, or failed to dispel that myth. Now, we just look inept. Predictable play calling (if I'm sitting on my sofa guessing the correct play we are about to run more than I'm not, I'm pretty sure a professional coach is getting quite a few more of those right than I am), players out of position, poor tackling, and repeatedly failing to defend or execute something that has been working all night (read: cannot adjust) are the consistencies in our game that make me want to, first: scream and carry on, and second: give up.

It's not even a pattern any more, it's the epitome of our football team. Every. Single. Year. Sure, we will out-gun people to 8 or 9, maybe 10 wins every year, but without something changing we won't win championships, and we will fail to underperform under the brightest lights. The times when Joe CasualFan is watching, and that's where reputations are made. We are like the NCAA basketball team that bombs away from 3 point land, runs the floor and beats people 110-99. Sure, they will often get to 20-24 wins, make the tourney and even make a run perhaps. But, when the shots don't fall or even if they do and they face a balanced team that plays solid defense they lose.

So I ask, are we content to continue to win these 8,9,10 games each season, maybe some conference championships and then get hammered by a legit team, AT THE MOST? Then sprinkle in some Missouri and A&M games in between those "good" seasons and be disappointed? Looking back to the 90s, it's easy to say yes. But I say that the tradition of this football program demands more. Yes, I like to be in the discussion annually, but I want to be the powerhouse again. I want to be the team that does more with less, or at the very least fulfills potential (it could be argued that the 2000 championship team was the least talented of the Stoops era). Nothing in sports is more frustrating and anger-provoking than underachieving. And underachieving is directly on the shoulders of the coaching staff. Period.
Oh yeah, Tech.


I'll be honest, I don't much like Landry Jones (that's right, I can't even enjoy a nickname anymore with this guy) anymore. I'm already hoping the Blake Bell era starts now. However, as I alluded to last week Dr. Jekyll is likely to show up at home. Also, hopefully Kevin Wilson remembers to look at his playbook this week rather than staring at his "Up The Gut" tattoo on his left forearm. With that in mind, I'm sure that Jones will be a world beater today and pass like he's the second coming of Warren Moon in the Run-And-Shoot (old school). So, I'm going with Ryan Broyles. I refuse to honor Landry (damn straight it's an honor), and somebody has to catch the ball as well. Broyles in this one.


This is even harder, but I'm looking to the future again today and I think that Tony Jefferson (is it too early to dub him MF?) does some big things today. I like him for a pick and plenty of passes defended.

I think OU wins this one, it's a home game after all, and then I think our season really goes down the toilet with road games (against decent teams no less) the next two weeks. The plus, Mitch and I will be watching it together. A prospect that has me more than a little excited. Final score this week, 35-21.

Boomer to the Motherfuckin' Sooner.

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