Saturday, September 7, 2019

OU versus South Dakota

Well the season got off to a rollicking start with the Sooners thoroughly dismantling Houston. Jalen Hurts had 508 yards of offense himself and the defense looked mostly like a defense. Today the Sooners have a perfect practice game with FCS South Dakota. The Sooners have an opportunity on offense to get some game speed reps, the defense can continue its overhaul and hopefully a number of young guys get an opportunity to show what they can do.

The name of the game today is to be injury free and take care of business so starters can be pulled as early as possible. There are plenty of young guys who can show what they have, including Spencer Rattler, supposed QB wunderkind in waiting.

For my OPOG I'll go Jalen Hurts. Not only did he play near flawlessly he seemed in awe of the offense he's been asked to lead. He's happy to be here and appears quite interested in maximizing his opportunity. Look for PlayStation numbers today again.

The defense definitely looks different in a great way but there is plenty to improve upon. They made some dumb mistakes that kept Houston drives alive. They did not have a takeaway although they forced enough punts to keep Houston safely at bay. Most importantly, it seemed to me they lost their focus about midway through the 3rd quarter. They aren't good enough to do that. They haven't earned shit and you'd think there would be enough competition to not have to worry about it. They need to be sharp today regardless of score and competition.

For my DPOG I'm going to say  Ronnie Perkins. I'd really like to have him be MF'er.

I think the Sooners play it ultra conservative mostly to give the kickers a chance to build some confidence but scoring will come early and often.

I'm thinking 60-13

Boomer to the motherfuckin Sooner!

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